Are you going to always remember me by how loud I snore? My kids will not even share a hotel room with me.. well lets say everyone but Whitney and she would sleep with her earphones on. Rick says I snore like a rhino. (love this man.)
On my way in 45 minutes for the sleep apnea test. I am sure everyone is crazy and I am right-- I don't have a problem.
So is this what you "failed"? Duane was diagnosed with sleep apnea last December. He sounds like Darth Vadar with his mask on:)
I told Boyd he was crazy when he thought I had sleep apnea. I went to the test to "prove him wrong ". he was right and now ai get to wear a sexy mask every night to bed. i hate wearing it but I do sleep better now. I hope all goes well with your test. Love ya!
Girl I know that you are going to look sexy in your mask..........
I've been away!!! From your blog!!! How did I miss this for a month?!!!
Yup, Scott failed the test, too. Only he is not a good boy. He does not wear his mask. I sleep with the rhino wondering if he will be a live rhino in the morning.
New Scott has a sinus infection. You can't wear a mask with a sinus infection. Sinus infection clears up. Whoops, not long enough to actually open the box and get the cpap machine out and try it before....VOILA!!! bronchitis!!! Yippee!!! The new machine is still in the box@!!!
I love it!!!
Thanks for the update!
Love, Jane
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