Saturday, December 20, 2008

How come I'm always the weird one?

How often do you take the random tests which will tell you more about yourself than you care to know?
I am a sucker for them and then when I don't like the results I feel bad.
For instance, the test my family all took about who we are most like. My mother- Albert Enstein. My sister, Mother Theresa...... I was the only one in my immediate family who came out like Sadam Husein, or however you spell his name.
So I just took the crayon test to tell me who I am.
If Shannon came out a classy purple then certainly I would be purple...isn't it like blood types?
Nope... read below:

You Are an Orange Crayon
Your world is colored with offbeat, confident, and stimulating colors.You have a personality that's downright weird - and you wouldn't change it for anything.Loud and expressive, you voice your opinions fearlessly and strongly.And while you have a strong personality, you can be friends with almost anyone.Your color wheel opposite is blue. Your confidence is something blue people truly envy.

It is so nice to know as I fall asleep that my suspicions of myself are confirmed. I am downright weird and I wouldn't change a thing.

So go to Shannon's blog and tell me what color crayon you are.