Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Creepy crawly

Half way through my prayers last night ..... "Heavenly Father, please let the bug I feel crawling across my shoulders just be a tiny bug." ICKY Can you tell I have bug issues :)


G'pa and G'ma Woody said...

YES!!! Ever since I pulled a mouse off my neck two Monday nights ago and threw it on the baby stroller's lid (with two babies in it), I have been SUPER-SENSITIVE!!! Don't even get me started!!! I FEEL YOUR ANXIOUSNESS!!! And I am NOT about to make friends with mice. or bugs ewww. I just had to reach back and scratch my neck again. How long does it take to "get over it"?!?!?!

love, Jane

Kim-the-girl said...

Gaye, you really, really make me laugh. Why would you choose to live in the south if you have bug issues?!

Jane, WHY haven't I heard this story?! If I ask any news when we're on the phone, a mouse across your shoulders applies!

Misty said...

UGH to both Gaye and Jane. I may admit out loud that I cringe everytime I kneel to pray by my bed, I am sure that is where the spiders are. I hope Heavenly Father understands when I sit in my bed for some prayers!

Claudia said...

Gaye, I have to agree with Kim the girl, you make me laugh. I love your post!!!!!

ERIN said...

You are hilarious Aunt Gaye!! I love all your stories.